Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hop-Scotch and High-Hurdles  

 Yes, I’ve done a fair share of jumping my friends. Many a thing I have jumped. Be it ropes, hop-scotch lines or high-hurdles, I did it. Even jumped off roofs and out of trees-yikes! Likely a combo of fearlessness and naivety.
   I suppose that not doing all that contemplating of the adverse, even rotten possibilities, allows one to take risks. Absence of fear is probably the result of not having suffered an ugly or uncomfortable result from a “jump”. The leap and landing were good in other words. Or at least, it didn’t hurt. But once you have jumped and you strike down rough and hard, oh boy! As you plan the next attempt, here comes the obsessive NCB (Negative Chatter Box). It brings with it doubt and hesitancy. The NCB can become an instigator to what amounts to a perpetual surrendering to fear.
   Fear, both friend and foe. It can act as a Protector to your total healthfulness, and well-being. Or, on the flip side, become an Adversary to your opportunities, ventures and experiences. A frustrating stopper to possibilities that have potential of becoming worthwhile and beneficial.
   In my athletic days, I took some jump shots, realizing I would score some baskets and miss some. My taking risks to shoot paid off, even if I didn’t score every time, which of course I didn’t. In work place and business scenarios, I didn’t always get the desired results from a risk taken, but I’m glad I took those risks. The descent after a jump can be scary as well as exhilarating and oh so revealing.Yes, those reminders of my former leaps, descents and lands, are just what I need.
   It has been close to four years since I first began to think about blogging, and I’m finally jumping in.

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